Thursday, October 3, 2013

Courtney Rose Reicks

There are some really obvious things about Courtney that you don't need to know her to know about her. She is passionate, hard working, hilarious, brilliant, tough and driven. I knew all these things within a week of meeting her when we worked together. She kicked my ass on every level from customer service to physical labor. She worked faster than many of us who had been working there for years, and she was brilliant at problem solving of every kind.

The first time we hung out, we watched Legend of the Guardians and got pizza while I worked on some homework. I was working on a problem for about 15 minutes when finally she glanced over my shoulder, stared at it for about 3 seconds, and announced the answer to me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. After that Courtney became my tutor and helped me get an A in that class. We spent all summer studying, quoting and watching Dane Cook, and she became my partner at organizing inventory at work (where she kicked my ass like always). She kept me sane and she kept me from failing many times, and it didn't take long for me to realize how much substance lay beneath the blatantly obvious awesomeness.

Courtney is deep. So deep. She feels everything deeply, and when she loves she loves deeply. When she lets you into your heart, don't take that lightly, because you are one lucky sucker. She will give you the greatest hugs and the greatest pep talks and a great listening ear. When you start giving up, she won't let you. She will give you gifts and defend you and show up at your job unexpectedly to surprise you. She is tough on the outside, but when she lets you in she is tender and sweet and amazing.

Every time I'm with Court I just calm down and feel myself breathing easier. With her I laugh hard and talk deep and snuggle next to her on the couch and she medicates me better than any antidepressants. She is true to herself and true to others and always inspires me to keep going when I think I can't. She has not just survived more than me, but overcome and built something beautiful with her life. Thank you for dragging me along when I want to sit still, and making me laugh when I want to cry. You are a beautiful, loving and compassionate creature and I have learned so much from you. I'm so happy you're in my life. You're never walking out of it.

(hur hur hurrr. it squishamahfacelikedis)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rachel Elizabeth Dreyer

My birthday is 2 weeks from tomorrow. And I decided to use the month of October to appreciate all the birthday gifts I already have. For the next month, I will be paying tribute to many of the things that make my life worth living. That give me a reason to live another year. Friendships, music, happy and beautiful parts of my life. The moments and memories and joy in the pain. In no particular order, just little by little.

I'm gonna start with my beautiful friend Rachel.

This girl. Where do I even start? 
I moved back from Washington 4 years ago and, although I haven't lost touch with a lot of people, Rachel and I have actually managed to grow closer in spite of the distance. Every time I can't sleep, can't think straight, can't figure out what to do with my feelings, It's as simple as a text, and there she is, calming me down, brutally honest, always capable of seeing through my eyes and giving me hope. We have carried each other's burdens, fought each other's battles when we felt too weak, and I know I can always count on her to just get me. Our feelings are often in sync, and it takes very little to explain what I'm going through; she just KNOWS.
Rachel is like a lake. At first glance, the beauty is apparent. After some observation and time spent, you get a sense of peace and stillness. But once you really start exploring, you will find depths and surprises and life and struggles and miracles you never expected. She is so multifaceted and relatable, she loves and feels deeply, and fights quietly but with a great strength. She is there for my lowest of lows and highest of highs, even at a distance. Her smile and laughter are intoxicating, her soul is inspiring, her love is real. She has been and continues to be an amazing gift in my life, and keeps me from regretting so many stupid decisions I made, because our friendship is worth forgetting regrets. 
Someday, maybe I can write something worthy of you, Rach. For now, know how much I love you. I wouldn't be the same without your friendship, and my life would be so much darker. Thank you for your sunshine and your rain and your words and hugs and laughs. AHLAHVYAHSAHMAHCH.